Social Media Whitepaper Off the Charts

It’s been about eight weeks since we launched our whitepaper discussing “”, and the response has been tremendous. We’re approaching 600 registered downloads this week, which frankly blows my mind. With a qualifying form and a short survey gating the download, I figured maybe we’d break 150. 600 is crazy.

The whitepaper details 12 basic steps to help marketers get engaged in social media marketing initiatives, and the steps are pretty simple, organizing a lot of major points we’re all hearing about social media into a straightforward plan of attack. Start with clear business objectives and metrics, spend time listening to the market and finding out where the important conversations are taking place, be authentic when you engage, integrate social media with the rest of your marketing programs.

I’ve been looking through the registration pages and I see some patterns emerging in the survey data that I’ll talk more about in the coming week. We asked two questions that are really interesting to parse. The first was asking about attitudes toward social media, and the second was asking who they trusted to assist them with social media marketing. Without tipping my hat before we really analyze the data, I’ll just say that interest in social media is very high, and agencies have a big challenge.

A big thanks to our whitepaper sponsor, , and a major tip of the hat to , who promoted the whitepaper in their , and to , who syndicated the whitepaper through their .

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